The days of prolonged vacation are coming to an end, so take advantage of this period of life and make the most of it. “The luxury of summer breaks will not last forever. You could even try to take on a new hobby or interest. Take those few summer months to forget about class and increase your dopamine levels. Hobbies are important to mental health, and being a full-time student means there is likely very little time to pursue those endeavors. Taking time to do what you enjoy is more important than cramming in a few credit hours. Mental health is just as important as physical health. Everyone could use some time to purge their brain of all the stressors from the past year of constant lectures and massive research papers. These stressors can also cause physical health issues mixed with anxiety and depression. The stressors of college can cause issues within the brain, such as issues with concentration. Go to a concert or a ballgame just enjoy the sun. COVID-19 restrictions are lifting as vaccination totals continue to go up and the number of cases goes down, resulting in plenty of activities to partake in. If there is any time to not take classes during the summer, this is it.